
Learning to be mindful and present to the moment is at the heart of a spiritual path. And yet, so often it can feel like day-to-day life is in opposition to this, from navigating tricky relationships, to earning money, to parenting and family life. In this 2-hour livestream, insight meditation teacher Trudy Goodman will be exploring how everything in life can be your path and how to work with the challenges in your life rather than against them.

The event will be broadcast by Conscious 2 in beautiful HD video with multiple cameras. It will include talks, guided meditations, and mindfulness techniques to apply to various aspects of your everyday life including relationships, the body, and balancing your inner truth with showing up in the world.

This event is a free introduction to Trudy’s forthcoming 6-Month Course where she will guide participants on an in-depth journey to living a more mindful and happy life.

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